Environmental Assessment

The environmental assessment process is fundamental to sustainable development. It identifies whether an environment could be harmed by a scheme as well as how a scheme could be affected by its surroundings. It also looks for opportunities to enhance the environment.

Site Selection/ Assessment/ Fatal Flow Analysis

Highly experienced professionals review the available information and conduct site selection/assessment/fatal flow analysis for any projects or development activities at the initial stage to determine compliance with national legal obligations and restrictions. The study helps the project authority determine a suitable project site in terms of environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable, and economically viable.

Screening and Scoping Study

Assess the suitability of the proposed project locations from an Environment and Social perspective, identify key Environment and Social issues that may affect the project, and develop Terms of Reference for EIA/ESIA compliant with national regulatory requirements as well as international standards and guidelines. Scoping study helps to select what is needed and what is not relevant, and thus it serves as a work plan for the entire EIA/ESIA process.

Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

We conduct Initial Environmental Examinations (IEE) by describing the existing environmental and social condition of a project area, including potential environmental and social risks and impacts, formulation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) including the environmental and social enhancement/mitigation measures, environmental and social monitoring and suggest an institutional requirement for the project.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

We conduct Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in compliance with Bangladesh's regulatory requirements to evaluate the effects of projects on local communities and the environment. Our experts possess extensive knowledge of national legislation, policies, and guidelines, as well as international conventions and agreements on environmental resource management, biodiversity and cultural heritage conservation, and species and habitat protection.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

We conduct Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) following national regulations and international standards, including World Bank ESF, IFC Performance Standards, JICA Guidelines, ADB SPS, Equator Principles, and more. Our expertise ensures comprehensive evaluations of project impacts on communities and the environment, adhering to global best practices and sustainability frameworks.

Strategic Environmental and Social Assessments (SESA)

We offer the client to carry out Strategic Environmental and Social Assessments for various programs and plans following national and international guidelines. We have vast experience in carrying out SESA for various sectors at either policy, plan, or program levels.

Regional Environmental and Social Assessments (RESA)

We offer the client to carry out Regional Environmental and Social Assessments (RESA) following national and international guidelines. We have vast experience in carrying out RESA for various sectors at either policy, plan, or program levels.

Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

We prepare Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) following national regulatory requirements and lenders guidelines and standards.

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

We assist clients in the preparation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) covering all environmental and social aspects of a project and addresses all the significant risks and impacts that can arise during the construction phase. We provide a manual including all the strategies to manage all project-related environmental and social issues on-site and surrounding area, for use by management and construction staff involved in projects.

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

We assist clients in the preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and use as a safeguards instrument to manage potential adverse environmental and social impacts through a guide consisting of a set of methodologies, procedures, and measures to facilitate adequate environmental and social management. 

Environmental Health and Safety Audit/Advisory Services

EQMS offers Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) advisory services to ensure workplace and community safety, following regulations like the Labor Act and guidelines from WB, IFC, and WHO. We also conduct sector-specific environmental audits (monthly, quarterly, or annually) to assess project compliance with legal requirements.

Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD)

EQMS's multidisciplinary team of Environmental, Social, Governance, and Community engagement experts identifies risks and impacts across all project phases. Our Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) helps investors and investees mitigate risks, prevent future losses, and reduce costs. Reports present prioritized findings in a user-friendly, actionable format.

Environment and Social Management System (ESMS)

EQMS assists clients in developing or enhancing Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS) to address environmental and social risks across all project phases. Through tailored Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP), we help identify, mitigate, and manage risks effectively, ensuring efficient and sustainable project outcomes.

Environmental Modeling

EQMS’s highly skilled and experienced modelers provide accurate modeling results to meet the needs of our clients. We use the AERMOD for the air dispersion model, SoundPLAN for the noise model, CORMIX for the thermal plume model, ALOHA for hazard modeling, WRPLOT view for meteorological data analysis, etc.